Custom tailoring - My Best Friend's Wedding

My Best Friend's Wedding

Bekyarov is a client’s friend, who married in a Black Market suit some years ago. They both work in the IT business – two young and fresh boys who make their debut in custom tailoring for their respective weddings.

  Oscar Wilde  

Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not.

#benaffleck #classy
#greatlook #fittingsuit
#tomhardy #cool #menstyle

The Groom's suit

Before he decided to marry, Bekyarov was the best man of his friend and back then decided to order his own wedding suit at Black Market’s atelier. His formal suit is a must, not only because of the nature of this special event, but also because of the specific venue.

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These are our real clients. We actually dress these fine fellas. These are our real clients. We actually dress these fine fellas.

These are our real clients. We actually dress these fine fellas.

Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
My Best Friend's Wedding

The formal three-piece suit

Bekyarov has chosen a very formal venue for his wedding that requires a strong grey three-piece suit and a waistcoat with black buttons to match the shoes and the dotted tie.

My Best Friend's Wedding

Style and confidence for every situation

Bekyarov has done his homework and doesn’t ask any unnecessary questions. The same suit can be work wonders not only at the wedding, but also at the most macho negotiations and deals one can happen to manage.
