Custom tailoring - The wedding agent

The wedding agent

The slim coloured suit sticks it to conformism and is suitable enough for every occasion. Drago is a freelance professional with an established taste and style who would like to play with colours for a wedding.


You may be wondering, why the red suit? Well, that's so bad guys can't see me bleed.

#amazingred #retrocar
#havefun #sprezzatura
#bride #citystyle #suitup

Red is hardly the most suitable colour for the office, but you should not limit it to more casual occasions like Drago's. Still, it is nice to have one thing in mind - the cut and the dominant colour draws the attention to oneself and speaks volumes about one’s bold taste.

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These are our real clients. We actually dress these fine fellas.

Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
Custom tailoring
The wedding agent

A classic suit in a bold colour

Drago’s wedding suit is a two-piece formal affair in wool that goes well hand in hand with dancing and party mischiefs. The bold colour of the two-button suit jacket with mid-width lapels and the corresponding trousers allow him to experiment with various pocket squares, patterned ties and classic bow ties. Red is a sufficient accent in itself, but that shouldn’t stop you from wearing daring socks for even more funky mood.

The wedding agent

Wearing a suit like this one doesn’t require a freelance gig or extravagant taste in a confident, who plays pocket tournaments as a side gig and spends the nights at the best bars in town. Drago is comfortable talking about every sphere in men’s style and always relies on his casual elegance and great wardrobe. Nothing can stop him from working against the predictability of grey and blue with a slightly bolder and more unconventional colour, while always keeping his polished black or brown formal shoes and a nice white shirt.
